- Dr. Paul Pearsall's Books are available
in bookstores and on-line at Amazon.com
- Many of Dr. Pearsall's books are available
internationally and have been translated into several languages.
Awe: The Delights and Dangers of Our Eleventh
book is filled with proof and justification using philosophy,
religion, politics, sociology, neuroscience, mythology, and psychology,
that awe is, indeed, a primary emotion that we do not know enough
about, and thus, do not know how to experience to its fullest
- Is awe a message from a higher power that enlightens us about
“what it all means” or is it simply a physiological
response that comes and goes?
- What do our leaders know about awe that enables them to use
it against us?
- How do religion and politics and even the current media trends
depend on awe and its emotional impact on us?
- Can awe be a healthy or hurtful emotion, and what happens
when awe falls into the wrong hands?
Just as Eckhart Tolle delved into the mystery of living in the
moment in The Power of Now, Dr. Pearsall teaches that “the
moment” – whether tragic or triumphant - is only worth
living “in” if we are willing and able to be in awe
of it.
Click here to read a testimonial
about this book.
Books, CDs and Audiotapes
Secret to Invincibility
Turn life's challenges into the armor that will make you INVINCIBLE!
This 9 CD set includes Dr. Pearsall speaking on the difference
between surviving life’s challenges and thriving because
of them. It also includes samples of his world-wide lectures on
the new field of positive psychology and original music by his
Hawaiian ohana (family). You will find this collection to be toolbox
of simple, practical exercises, ideas, and techniques that you
can begin using immediately to transform yourself into a powerhouse
of invincibility.
Last Self-help Book You'll Ever Need: Repress Your Anger, Think
Negatively, Be a Good Blamer, and Throttle Your Inner Child
The April 18th Publisher's Weekly praises Dr. Paul Pearsall’s
new book:
"Kudos to Pearsall for arguing against the platitudes of
self-empowerment that dominate the self-help bookshelves. This
contrarian volume gives readers plenty to consider and offers
a hopeful and helpful approach to being mindful and fully engaged
in each moment - good or bad."

Beethoven Factor: The New Positive Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness,
Healing, and Hope
The first mainstream guide to the new science of positive psychology,
Dr. Pearsall's latest bestseller presents true stories of members
of the CIA, the Crisis Inspired
Awakened. These are men, women, and
children who not only survived but thrived through life crises
to discover the ordinary magic within all of us to turn trauma
to triumph and truly savor the moments of our life.
in Maui: Let Miracles Happen in Your Life
Makawao, Hawaii: Inner Ocean Publisher, 2001
Describes Dr. Pearsall's miracle cure from Stage IV Lymphoma and
the scientific evidence for the occurrence of miracles. An updated
version of the best-seller Making Miracles, it includes a forward
from a Hawaiian kahuna, healing Hawaiian chants and songs, and
pictures documenting Dr. Pearsall's cure from a bone marrow transplant.
Heart's Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy
New York: Broadway Books, 1998
Presents the scientific evidence that the heart literally thinks,
remembers, speaks to the brain about its own unique feelings,
and connects with other hearts. It presents evidence of cellular
memory and that some heart transplant recipients report receiving
memories and personality characteristics of their donor. The importance
of living, loving, and working from the heart is documented.
Pleasure Prescription: To Love, To Work, To Play, Life in the
Alameda, California: Hunter House Publishers, 1996
This New York Times number one best-seller presents the medical
evidence showing that living, loving, and working by the Hawaiian
wisdom of aloha results in healthier and happier personal, family,
and work life. It presents a program for correcting "DDDS,
" Daily Delight Deficiency Syndrome."
in Pleasure:
Sharing Success, Creating Joy, Fulfilling Dreams. . . Together
Alameda, California: Hunter House Publishers, 2001
Describes the Hawaiian legend of two Hawaiian lovers denied the
chance to marry and banished one to the mountain and the other
to the sea. The maiden took a flower from behind her ear, tore
it in half, and placed one half behind her ear and the other behind
her lover's ear. Today in Hawaii, the Naupaka flower t blooms
one half on the mountain and the other half at the sea, symbolic
of the true source of health, happiness, success, and healing
resting in an enduring, cherished, protected loving relationship.
Well: Making Your Every Wish Come True
New York: Hyperion, 2000
The first book to present proof of the magnificent power of intent
or "conscious acts of creation." It is a research-supported
guide showing the wisdom of the statement "be careful what
you wish for" and presenting the scientific evidence for
how to make wiser and more powerful wishes that can result in
a healthier, happier, more successful life.
Pleasure Principle
A six audiotape series focusing on the joyful way to health and
healing and how to live, work, love, and plan in healthy balance.
It includes excerpts from Dr. Pearsall live lectures, interviews
with him about overcoming health terrorism and seeking health
and well-being through pursuit of the simple health pleasures
in life. It includes original music performed and sung by the
hula halau that often join him in his lecture/concerts. It also
includes a Pleasure Planner workbook. This has been a very popular
tape series for many years.
Success: How to Stop Striving and Start Thriving
Makawao, Hawaii: Inner Ocean Publishing, 2002
Just released April, 2002, presents the results of a twenty-year
study of some of the most successful people in the world, the
difference between healthy and toxic success, and a program for
detoxifying success based on an ancient Hawaiian model of success
called "po`okela," excellence through shared values
rather than individual objectives.

Click here to
open a new window for promotional material on "Toxic Success"
You will need Acrobat Reader.
Immunity: Master Your Emotions and Improve Your Health
New York: McGraw Hill, 1986
This New York Times Number 1 best-seller won the Lambert Book
of the Year Award in London, England. It was the first book to
describe how our feelings and thoughts affect our immune system,
how "hot" and "cold" temperaments tend to
influence our health and healing, and how to enhance the immune
system to strengthen our resistance to disease and improve our
Marital Sex: Loving for Life
New York: Doubleday, 1987
This New York Times number 1 best seller presented the results
of Dr. Pearsall's research on lasting love conducted in his clinic
at Sinai Hospital. It was one of the first books to be featured
by Oprah Winfrey and included clinically tested ways to strengthen
all aspects of intimate relationships.
Power of the Family: Strength, Comfort, and Healing
New York: Doubleday, 1990
This New York Times best seller described Dr. Pearsall's work
with families at his award-winning Problems of Daily Living Clinic.
It presents 10 research-documented ways to solve family conflict
and strengthen family bonds in an increasingly distracting and
stressful world.
Joy: Learning to Celebrate Everyday Life
New York: Doubleday, 1988
This New York Times best seller described the "joy response"
as a regular and enduring celebration of the simple joys of living,
working, and loving. It looked for lessons for a joyful life to
those who, despite leading stressful lives, seldom get sick, heal
quickly when they do, and generally love life.

Ten Laws of Lasting Love
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993
This book presented the results of Dr. Pearsall's couple-treatment
program at Sinai Hospital and how to keep the feeling of love
alive, vital, and growing through life's chaos and challenges.
Healing Intimacy: The Power of Loving Connections
New York: Crown Publishers, 1994
This book described the healing power of loving relationships,
the differences between lusting and loving and their impacts on
our health, how certain patterns of relationship can make us vulnerable
to certain kinds of diseases, and how the loving relationships
can cause our immune systems to "fall into synch." 