
Dr. Pearsall was the author of over 200 professional articles and eighteen international best-selling books.

Find out more.

  • June, 2018
    This animated video is about how our hearts communicate with each other and with ourselves. Based on the book by Paul Pearsall called "The Heart's Code" See it here.

  • Feb 10, 2016
    A look at a book I read during the summer of 2015. I found the book to be not only well written but well planned for the common reader. I have very little medical knowledge but the book was able to turn me into a medical student. I thank Paul pearsall for this amazing piece of work. - Jameel Rawls

  • May 12, 2005
    Paul was a guest on the CBS Early Show. Unfortunately the interview is no longer available.

  • March, 2005 - Executive Update Magazine
    The Causes & Cures of MPS (Meeting Planner Stress)
    By Paul Pearsall, Ph. D.
    No job is without its stressors, but meeting planners face a unique set of challenges and obstacles to maintaining their mental health while under the constant pressure to perform almost perfectly. Here's a look at how to mitigate some of the not-so-joyous parts of one of the association profession's most demanding jobs. Read the full article here.

  • April - May 2005 Organ Transplants and Cellular Memories
    Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 12, Number 3
    by Paul Pearsall, PhD , Gary E. Schwartz, PhD , Linda G. Russek, PhD
    According to this study of patients who have received transplanted organs, particularly hearts, it is not uncommon for memories, behaviours, preferences and habits associated with the donor to be transferred to the recipient.

    Read the full article here.

  • The Thinking Heart:
    An Interview with Paul Pearsall
    by Hal Bennett and Susan Sparrow

    Paul Pearsall is one of many researchers who has observed that transplant patients who receive an organ from another person's body may also receive much more.

    Read the interview here.

  • Overcoming Adversity. Some Survive. The Great Ones Thrive. Learn to thrive
    Steve Kayser interviews international bestselling author, Dr. Paul Pearsall, author of "The Beethoven Factor"

    Read the interview here.

  • Overcoming Toxic Success
    An interview with Paul Pearsall PH.D.
    by Michael Peter Langevin
    From Issue 82 Magical Blend Magazine

    Dr. Paul Pearsall believes we are killing ourselves with success.

    Read the interview here.

  • Becoming a Miracle Maker - The "Abnormalcy Advantage"
    by Paul Pearsall, Ph.D.

    What we call "normal" in psychology is really a psychopathology of the average, so undramatic and so widely spread that we don't even notice it. —Abraham Maslow

    Read the interview here.

  • July 15, 2002 - Honolulu Star-bulletin
    New book takes shine off multitasking
    By Burl Burlingame
    A Hawaii Kai author argues today's hectic pace poisons people.

    Read the full interview here.